Dipping into Eve’s Industry System

After a longer break in blogging, I want to restart with a new series of post covering Eve’s extensive and complex industry system.

The industry side of Eve changed quite a lot in the last year, but I think the makests have at least in some areas adjusted to the changes and it might be worth writing about it and to build stuff again.

To give you a rough idea what to expect in the next couple of months, I want to give you a short roadmap of the upcoming posts:

  1. T1 Production : I will start with the easiest form of production and also cover the basic UI elements that the game has to offer to support the busy industrialist.
  2. Mineral Refinement: This will cover the process of getting the most common materials for T1 production. Unfortunately, there are already changes on this subject announced by CCP, but since this is very important to scale your industry business, I will cover it first with the old system and update the post once the new changes are online.
  3. Invention and T2 Production: These two posts will cover the mechanics of researching T1 into T2 blueprints and the production of T2 modules and ships, which is quite more complex than the T1 versions.
  4. T1 Battleship Production: Since the changes last year, T1 battleship sized hulls and above now need very different materials than T1 battlecruiser sized hulls and below. This post will cover the additional build steps and materials.
  5. T3 Production: This post will explain how to build T3 cruisers and destroyers.
  6. Triglavian Ship Production: Triglavian ships again need slightly different materials and blueprints, which can only by access by PVE.
  7. Structure Production: This will cover the production of citadels, engineering complexes, flex structures and refineries.
  8. Booster Production: Become a criminal booster producer and supply New Edens drug market with quality product.

I hope this roadmap covers most of Eve’s industry and I am looking forward to get into writing again and to present you this very interesting and profitable gameplay.

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