Career Changes

Eve Online is a fascinating game that can bring the best or worst out of people. A starting player is presented with an overwhelming amount of game play options, from being a peaceful miner in high-security space to a ruthless pirate running gate camps in Tama and preying on the weak.

Even after a couple of years in the game there are always activities one has never tried, and even inside someone’s area of expertise things are changing frequently because of CCP’s many updates and tweaks to the existing game mechanics. I am playing this game for around six years and still have moments when I discover new interesting things to do or play styles that I would have never thought of.

A good start for beginning players to choose their career path is the famous “What to do in EVE”-Infographic, which categorises a great number of activities a player can perform and rates them in terms of difficulty and funds required. I recently found the updated version of the page and were surprised how many new things had been added that I never have done in my EVE career.

This was when I had the idea to change my personal game play, which has stagnated a bit over the last two years. People always tend to do what they can do best, so I was basically performing the same in-game tasks every week, which was mostly trading und small gang PVP. So seeing all these new exciting thing on the updated version, I though: Why not start to try all these different options and see how I like new areas of the game? Some activities I have done in the past but a lot has changed in the game since I was actively flying mining Ospreys. Now apparently mining Rorquals seem to be a thing.

Together with my decision to do things differently came the idea for this blog. The main goal will be to document how to start these different careers, explain the basics game mechanics which involve them and to share my opinion how much fun it is playing in that particular way.

In order to do this, I will try to write about three topics for each new career I will engage in:

  • What skills and equipement is needed 
  • The basic game mechanics for the activity
  • My personal opinion on it and experiences that I made

I will mostly focus on the careers mentioned on the “What to do..”-page, but will try to further break down some of the activities that I feel are to wide in scope to be covered in a single blog post.  To spice things up, the activities will be equally PVP and PVE related, ideally alternating between the two.

I hope this is going to be a somehow useful resource for both beginning players and veterans and also a good reason for me to write about this game that we all love so much.